Business Partnership
Regular Meeting of the Board of Director's
January 29, 2004
Henry Hudson Regional High School
Executive Session
Carla Cefalo-Braswell (CCB), HBP President, called the non-public
portion of the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. There was a meeting quorum
for action. In attendance were the following: C. Cefalo-Braswell, M.
Kovic, F. Rosiak, J. Nasti, J. Cosgrove, A. Parmelee, R. O’Neil,
J. Urbanski, L. Kochanik, K. Lustig, J. Koenig, B. Weber, J. Wicklund
and Eddy Sousa.
& Elected Board
M DuPlantis was absent for the entire year and needed to be
replaced. Scott Beim was presented for replacement. All were in favor.
The 2004 Program Budget was discussed and approved by a motion
made by Kathryn Lustig and second by John Koenig. With all in favor
the Budget was accepted and moved for submission to Mayor and Council
for their approval. Mayor Rick ‘Neil abstained.
and Objectives
The 2003 Summary of Objectives and 2004 Goals was presented
and discussed. They both need to be included with the first mailing
for the Annual Meeting and Election. A motion was made by Joan Wicklund
and second by Fred Rosiak with all in favor to accept Goals and Objectives.
Mayor Rick O’Neil abstained.
BID Petition
Action by a group of members held at the last council meeting
was the topic of discussion. Councilman and Planning Liasion John Urbanski
explained it was not really a valid petition, he just encouraged those
members who complain to him on a daily basis to come forward and take
action at the proper forum, a Council Meeting. Vice President John Koenig
will reach out to those members to communicate on behalf of HBP.
Provided by Carla Cefalo-Braswell were completed in December
2003. A month-to-month renewal was reinstated with a motion by B. Weber
and second by J. Koenig. All were in favor.
Session was closed by a motion by Mike Kovic, second by Fred Rosiak
with all in favor the session was closed at 8:00 p.m.
Public Session
Carla Braswell, President, called the public session of the
HBP Board of Directors to order at 8:05 p.m.
Meeting attendance: P=present, A=absent
L. Bodnar-Nolan
A |
L. Kochanik
P |
R. O’Neil
P |
E. Sousa P |
C. Cefalo-Braswell
P |
J. Koenig P |
A. Parmelee
P |
J. Urbanski
P |
J. Cosgrove
P |
M. Kovic P |
F. Rosiak P |
F. Rosiak P |
John Nasti
P |
K. Lustig P |
AJ Solomon
A |
J. Wicklund
P |
B. Weber P |
50% plus one = quorum (9/17)
Fifteen were in attendance for quorum
Also in attendance were : Nick Evangelista, Marcia Shaya and Nancy Thomas.
Minutes of the November, 2003 Meeting of HBP BOD
Minutes were reviewed and a motion by Eddy Sousa and second
by Anne Parmelee to accept the minutes into corporate record. With all
in favor the minutes shall be included in corporate records and added
to our Website for public access.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s Report as of January 29,2004 was read.
As of today there were no outstanding checks. A motion was made by Eddy
Sousa to accept the Treasurer’s Report with one date change (typo)
and second by Anne Parmelee. With all in favor the Treasurer’s
Report shall be included in corporate records.
Executive Committee – Carla Cefalo-.Braswell
HBP’s new organizational structure was presented. For
2004 the marketing and Special Events Committee will be separated and
Eddy Sousa will chair the Marketing/Communications Committee. He will
prepare a survey to send to businesses as to determine where the most
interest is for advertising in 2004.
Local Residents Marcia Shaya and Nancy Thomas are now chairing the Visual
Improvement Committee. Both are members of the VIC committee already
and are Officers of the Garden Club. Marcia read an acceptance speech
support of these reorganization issues was obtained by the full board.
Committee Reports
Marcia Shaya and Nancy Thomas, Committee Co- Chairs
Design Maintenance Beautification Capital Improvements
Discussions and plans for new projects and spring g maintenance
programs were discussed as well as revisiting the downtown pilot maintenance
program submitted last year by Nick Evangelista, member of the VIC committee.
Economic Development – Fred Rosiak
Fred Rosiak – Brief overview of Committee’s progress/plans
Special Events – Carla Cefalo-Braswell
Carla gave an overview of the St. Pat’s Day Parade and
encouraged all to participate. Proposals from the Asbury Park Press
and the Courier for advertising were presented. Both were turned over
to the new Chairmen Eddy Sousa for revisit by the Marketing Committee.
Action Items:
Old Business:
New Business:
Colby Plumbing
Windward Int’l Insurance Broker
Jacqueline Astrology & Card Readings
Cucina’s Pizza World
The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
by a motion from Fred Rosiak, second by Mike Kovic with all in favor
the meeting was adjourned.
Next meeting of the HBP Board of Directors is:
Annual Meeting & Election - March 18, 2004.
Submitted via email to Board by Carla Cefalo-Braswell, 03/8/04
Hand Deliver to Joan Wicklund & Mike Kovic